hanaghan(a)starband.net offered the following on
01/11/2006 04:50 PM:
>>--- hanaghan(a)starband.net wrote:
>>>Hi folks,
>>>I have been working on the new LiveCD for PCLOS
>>>(PClinuxOS) with Thac's
>>>rpms. I have been communicating with Thac about
>>>of our needs to do
>>>this and maintain it. Also mainting the high
>>>of stability that
>>>PClinuxOS can boast.
>>>Right now, we need to get a couple of testers
>>>can test new packages
>>>and also someone who might be interested in
>>>a website and
>>>maintaining it. I am working on server space at
>>>present with adequate
>>>bandwidth, etc
>>You need space and bandwidth or already have it?
> Need it. I have a friend who runs a florishing
gaming server biz. He
> is bringing in Cogent supposedly who have
cheap bandwith and he
> said he has enough spare PC junk to build a
sperate box if I want to
> supply the hard drives...
> It's not firmed up yet and if someone has a cheap
& easy alternative,
>> we are all ears.
Let me know if things don't work out there. I've got a
Dreamhost account that's got decent bandwidth and
storage. If you were to exceed the bandwidth and cost
me money I'd have to shut you down which would suck
bad. Dreamhost seems fully drawn into the storage and
bandwidth war so it might never be an issue. Any idea
how much bandwidth you would use?
BTW, Ardour is hosted at Dreamhost so the lack of
anonymous CVS access is a bit of hassle for some