On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:44:32 +0100
Emiliano Grilli <emillo(a)libero.it> wrote:
Its possible to remove old libsndfile and install
1.0.1 in /usr instead of
/usr/local without breaking other apps? It can be done with dselect?
No, version 0.0.X of libsndfile and 1.0.X are incompatible.
It is however possible to install version 1.0.X in /usr and not have it blow
the older version of the library away. In the libsndfile-1.0.X source dir:
./configure --prefix=/usr
make check
make install
Erik de Castro Lopo nospam(a)mega-nerd.com (Yes it's valid)
"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between
mother and child." - George W. Bush