Den 2018-04-11 kl. 20:14, skrev Will Godfrey:
I did an upgrade (debian testing) a couple of weeks
ago, and found xfce could
no longer automout USB sticks and drives (pmount still works).
On Monday, I decided to do some work on an Arduino, and it seems that also can
no longer recognise boards plugged in via usb.
Also just today another guy at work tells me he now has the same problem.
The weird thing is I can't seem to find any recent references on-line to such
Anyone got any suggestions?
Some month ago I had some problems with automount (USBmount) of usb when
I was testing debian stretch as a router in our lab. After some googling
it was solved with this. It shouldn't have affected arduinos as far as I
can understand but I'm not sure.