On Thu, May 05, 2005 at 10:19:13PM +0000, philicorda
I was just wondering whether there are any open source applications on
Linux for doing theatre sound for plays and dance, or if anyone else is
interested in collaborating on making one or has experience with this
kind of thing.
I'm starting to get more gigs doing theatre sound design, and
it's looking like I'm going to start designing some custom PD
patches to do what I need, so I'll be happy to share what I come
up with. Are you on the pd-list?
I can't code, but have a some experience with
PD, which may do the job
with a custom gui.
Personally, my requirements are...
The concept of 'scenes' that can be stepped through, like a lighting
This is something that I'm probably not going to have time for on
my current project, but it's something that i can definently see
getting done this summer.
You might try borrowing and hacking the scene saving/restoring (XML)
code from JAMin that Steve Harris did. There's also some crossfade
stuff in there but I'm not sure how applicable it would be as it's
pretty application specific.