On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 07:13:35PM -0500, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
I'm not sure, but check out the jack transport
related options in
ecasound's man page. My suspicion is that muse and ecasound both try to
be transport master or aren't listening to the transport stuff in a
mutually agreeable manner. I think only one of them can try to be the
You are right Eric ! I must run ecasound like that :
ecasound -G:jack,ecasound,notransport -a:1,2,3 -i jack -a:1 -efb:500,400 -o jack -a:2
-efb:1000,600 -o jack -a:3 -efh:1300 -o jack
and everything rule... Thanks a lot !