just so you LAUs and LADs know: "vivarium" is the most amazing
audiovisual work I have seen and heard produced with Linux so far. We
wanted to invite chdh to the LAC 2008 in Cologne, but dates didn't fit
unfortunatly, otherwise you would already know what I'm talking about.
I'd recommend to get your copy now!
cyrille henry hat gesagt: // cyrille henry wrote:
We are glad to announce the release of the chdh dvd:
video / data dvd by chdh
arcadi / artkillart
AKA 04 – 2008
vivarium is a work based on a symbiosis between sound and image where chdh creates a
single, cold but organic universe. Each video track of vivarium is composed around a
single audiovisual instrument, evolving from passivity to life, instability and mutation,
in a slow and hypnotic time.
This double side dvd contains:
- side 1 for dvd player containing the video pieces.
- side 2 for computer containing infos, better quality videos and software used and
developed for this project.
vivarium is now available for sale and free download.
more infos :
buy the DVD :
download the data dvd layer via bittorrent:
vivarium was made using free tools : linux / Pure-data / open time line / ffmpeg ...
cyrille henry et nicolas montgermont
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