On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 12:49 +0000, Nigel Henry wrote:
Hi. This sounds really good, but. BUT. I'm getting
the same problems with deps
that I'm getting with om, while trying to install Smack (the drum machine) It
wants libglademm, which wants, gtkmm, which wants (I presume) glibmm, and
then ligsigc++-2.0. I stopped at gtkmm caus I could see which way this was
going. I'm on FC2 for this install, and already have
libsigc++-1.2.5-1.rhfc2.ccrma which is a dep for Cheesetracker. Am I likely
to have a conflict if I install libsigc++-2.0, with the earlier version of
libsigc++? Nigel. It sounds good I'd really like to get it working.
I don't know how Fedora works, but libsigc++ 1.* and libsigc++ 2.* have
incompatible APIs so any sane distribution would make two different
packages for them so they could coexist on the same computer. I have
libsigc++ 1.0, 1.2, and 2.0 installed on my Mandriva system, I'm pretty
sure it would work fine on Fedora too.
Lars Luthman
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