derek holzer hat gesagt: // derek holzer wrote:
Personally I find Ableton the most bone-headed
software ever made! In
blind taste-tests, 9 out of 10 electronic muscians who have been making
tracks longer than 6 months can spot a piece made in Ableton, simply
because it is only good for one thing: time-synching whatever kinds of
loops you throw into it with a lockstep four-to-the-floor beat. Beyond
that, it is a creative cul-de-sac. </rant>
Well, but Ableton Live managed to do this in a perfect way. As there's
so much 4->floor music around this is quite an accomplishement. But
you're right, that Live is useless without loops/samples and you'll
have to resort to other tools for creating them. That's why Robert
Henke of Ableton also is quite an expert in Max/MSP and often has it
running in the background of Live, as he told me once.
Wine is fine, but lysergic acid diethylamide is
Hardee-har-har... :-)
Hhm, I never thought about that. Is this related to that LINE thing
("Lysergic... Is Not an Emulator")?
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__