On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 15:02:33 -0500, Lee Revell <rlrevell(a)joe-job.com> wrote:
On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 13:50 -0500, Chris Metzler
Passing the info on to the DRI project folks got
response at all; further queries revealed that the DRI project's
Matrox experts effectively aren't involved in the DRI project
anymore, so now no open source developers are working on the Matrox
drivers. A little bit of time spent in the
XF86/X.org/DRI bug
tracking systems will show similar Matrox bugs that don't get any
responses from the developers.
According to the DRI folks, the issue here is that 3D drivers are
_hard_, and there are just not enough open source developers who have
the skills to fix these kinds of things. For example there are 3 or 4
3D chipsets for which we have docs but no driver.
So it's not quite as simple as "release some docs and the community will
write a driver".
Clearly I know not of what I speak of here, but is there any
possibility of an ndiswrapper sort of program here? Would it be
possible somehow to wrap Windows audio hardware drivers in an
alsawrapper program so that I could run Windows 1394 drivers under
- Mark