On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 23:02:13 +0100
Marek Peteraj <marpet(a)naex.sk> wrote:
On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 20:44, Lee Revell wrote:
On Sun, 2004-11-28 at 13:51 +0100, Marek Peteraj
I really like the philosophy of not letting any
closed source
drivers into the kernel. In the end i only saw people upset because
their XY nvidia or ATI driver wasn't working.
That's a perfectly valid point. But for every disgruntled nvidia user
there are 100 who are just happy to be able to play UT2004.
Are you sure? I don't know but i've literally seen tons of complaints.
It scared me away and i just stick with my old g400.
I'd certainly back it up. In the communities of users of some open
source projects with a heavy 3D bent (e.g. the Flightgear simulator),
it seems like most use nVidia and are quite happy. To the extent
that there've been issues, they've been with ATI cards. I don't
doubt that you've seen lots of complaints from nVidia users; but I
suspect it's because of population size.
Chris Metzler cmetzler(a)speakeasy.snip-me.net
(remove "snip-me." to email)
"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear