On Wed, 23 Mar 2016 19:33:06 -0700
"Glen MacArthur" <info(a)bandshed.net> wrote:
Hello LAU's
... or as Germans would say during Fastnacht Carnivals: Hellau !
Just passing along the release of AV Linux 2016. This
is a completely
new version from the ground up based on Debian Testing with a custom
RT Kernel and now includes the great work of falktx and his KXStudio
The User Manual is here:
The Release Announcement is here:
The AVL website is here:
This becomes very tempting to go through the downtime of installation.
The UG mentions that there's no pulseaudio integration/support. I do
not mind not seeing PA but, does this have any effect on regular audio
use such as firefox and youtube/soundcloud ?