The former, as I understand or don't, makes property
the ability to *copy a specific expression* of an idea.
I didn't mean this to address what is or isn't insane.
Kevin Cosgrove wrote:
On 30 June 2010 at 18:23, PMA
<PeterArmstrong(a)> wrote:
Has this thread distinguished between Copyright
and Patent?
I don't think we've gone down the road of patents yet.
As I understand, it is the latter that makes
ideas property.
So does the former.
But, the notion that discovering a gene (sequence) in an organism
could be patented is about as insane to me as to say that Columbus
should own the new world because he discovered it, even though some
would dispute that as well.
[I'd better start round-filing this OT thread now that I threw fuel
on the fire. ;-)]