Thanks, Fernando. I'll scan the devel lists for this discussion.
I would assume that this change of # of channels (visible with
HDSPmixer) would only mandate that the range/speed not be changed
while in operation. This might even mean shutting down JACK or other
clients at times, etc. Totally understandable.
However it should be able to change rates when a file at a new rate is
played or when JACK requests a new rate. I can force it to work now
just by adding an alias for all apps which scans the soundfilefile
header and sends the appropriate "amixer numid=11" switch before
playing or opening the file. I assume ALSA can do something similar
on its own (?).
I'm sure I oversimplifying ;)
On 23 Dec 2004 21:53:34 -0800, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
<nando(a)> wrote:
On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 20:11, Kevin Ernste wrote:
Range 1 -
Range 2) 88.2K/96K
Jack can switch between either rate in each range, but for whatever
reason it cannot switch between the two ranges themselves.
Aha, this is precicely the behaviour I was looking for _across_ the
two ranges! As you say, sampling rates change happily within each
range, just not to/from rates in the other. In any case, I'm relieved
to know that it's not my setup (things are working remarkably well
I may contact the developer (if only to thank him) and inquire about
this, it seems to me that ALSA or JACK should be able to inform
HDSPconf of a rate change regardless of speed/range. It is
particularily painful at the command line where I'm jumping back and
forth between rates all the time meaning HDSPconf is always open ;)
There was a thread long ago about this. I think the issue is that the
number of channels that the device supports change with the switch
between the two ranges of sampling rates. I don't remember why this was
a problem.
-- Fernando