On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 12:32:15PM +0200, HamRadio wrote:
how can I make a stereo recording in audacity with
*only* input 3 and 4?
I'm only able to get these signals if I start a project containing 4
tracks, thus having also 1 and 2 which of course are silent.
Perhaps I have to route 3 and 4 in some way that they appear on 1 and 2?
And how?
With Jack you can route signals exactly as you want them.
Just start qjackctl.
Unless Audacity insists on makeing the wrong connections
itself and you can't disable that. In which case I'd dump
it immediately and use something else (e.g. Ardour).
Io lo dico sempre: l'Italia รจ troppo stretta e lunga.