I'm just killing envy24control to make sure it's dead before I crank up
another iteration of it. I normally have it running all the time. It
could be the IO_support thing. That gave me the same type of problems.
On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 16:24, Benji Flaming wrote:
If you're
not already doing it, use reiserfs or xfs. From your pictures
it looks like you might be using ext3. There are a few processes that
should be dead before you start doing realtime. I use a script with the
Nope - I'm using reiserfs. However, I do know for a fact that I was running
envy24control when I got the overruns. I'll make sure it's dead next time.
One thing that did give
me problems was using IO_support set to 3. The sync seemed to give me
problems. I set both of mine to 1 (no sync).
I'll look into this - thanks again!
Actually, I went through this entire document a few weeks ago. I already
owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude for putting it together. It was
exactly what I needed in order to get started with serious Linux audio.
I'll take another look, though, in case I neglected something.
Thanks again!
Benjamin Flaming
"The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated