Dave Phillips wrote:
Have you tried the SIR plugin ? I've been testing
it with ArdourVST
and Reaper, the latest version has been performing nicely. I'll
compare it with jconv as soon as I can get that app built (my 64Studio
upgrade has dispensed with Synaptic, I don't know what GUI package
manager to use now, and I want to find whether 64Studio has it in repo).
Replying to myself:
I built jconv on my 32-bit machine, it sounds beautiful with lucia.conf
after some adjustments.
However: It is, as Fons makes clear, an alpha project intended for a
more full-featured incarnation. At this time it has no GUI and depends
upon configuration files edited by the user. The configs aren't
difficult to figure out, but I'm sure that aspect will discourage some
users. That's not a big deal right now, given the status of the app. And
again I must stress that it *sounds* great.
By contrast, the SIR plugin is a mature application with a directly
usable GUI (no Ph.D. necessary; hi Jan!) and excellent sound quality.
When Fons has his GUI convolver finished I'm sure it'll be a contender,
but meanwhile the SIR plugin can hold the line just fine. :)
Maybe it's about time for a Linux convolution reverb showdown ?