On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:42:04 -0400
frank <frankpirrone(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Arnold Krille wrote:
Am Freitag, 21. März 2008 schrieb frank:
NO, the drum patterns are NOT copyright. If they
WERE, once my head
cleared a bit, I would head directly to the USPTO and register every
damned note of the 12-tone even-tempered scale left unclaimed.
Please tell me when you do that. I will be the next in the line to register
all the blue-notes and all the non-even-tempered notes. Basicly I would
register all the frequencies not already registered by you... Would be really
a lot of royalties.
Geez, Arnold, you are an idea monster! I had never considered
blue-notes OR microtonal possibilities at ALL. Well, there goes a small
fortune I could have locked up...
But the sad part of this story is that someone
really might get the idea of
patenting the "music from even-tempered scale sounds". Which would involve a
lot of people to successfully prove prior-art.
In that case I'd expect the PRIOR art to crush the SUBSEQUENT artist
attempting such a ploy...
Take care...
I have just applied for a patent covering a method of varying pitch on
successive notes such that, to the listener, they seem to fit another
patented scale but are actually randomly, but measurably different :)
Will J Godfrey