--- Cesare Marilungo <cesare(a)poeticstudios.com> wrote:
ALSA MIDI Humanizer is a tiny application that route
MIDI events between
two applications adding random timing and velocity offsets to NOTEON and
For the developers reading this list: at the moment
the code is just a
quick hack. I didn't know anything about ALSA develpment, the GTK+
toolkit and linux threads until this morning when I've started studying
some tutorials (used the midirouter.c code from the ALSA tutorial by
Matthias Nagorni as a starting point). So, be kind.
Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.
Interesting idea, though I'm not sure adding random delays
really "humanizes" things. Of course I realize this is mostly
something you've put together as a learning exercise. BTW,
in case you're interested in reading some ramblings of another
beginning ALSA MIDI programmer (me), you might check out this:
http://www.geocities.com/smcameron/linux-audio-notes.html, which
is kind of a log I've kept for the last year or so.
Maybe there are some interesting links in there, if nothing
else, or maybe some humor at my expense, LOL.
For a humanizing type feature of my drum machine application,
I added a per instrument (per note, really, as MIDI drums
instruments are mapped to notes) feature that allows a particular
instrument to "drag" or "rush" which is to say, fire off a little
late, or a little early. My implementation is a little buggy, in
that when dragging or rushing causes an instrument to slip across
a measure boundary, things get a little squirrelly, but the idea
is there. I got that idea from reading a little instructional book
about playing the drums, I guess it's common practice among drommers
to keep some important instruments in fairly strict time, while kind
of messing about with some others.
I guess for a filter app, "rushing" is not really possible, without
a time machine, though "dragging" every other instrument would
amount to the same thing, plus insertion of latency.
-- steve
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