Jon B wrote:
Does anyone know how to get
nvidia drivers loaded for the 2.6.9-multimedia-686 kernel? I've tried
3 or 4 methods and haven't gotten it. Says something about VMALLOC
I've made significant progress though. At this rate maybe I can
restart all over again with just DeMuDi and get the video working from
the start...
2.6.9 - i'm pretty sure this is where nvidia video drivers stopped
working for me. i've been able to compile and load the 6629 drivers on
= 2.6.9, but .... let me tell you - it doesn't do
anything *good* for
video acceleration ... a black screen and a few icons is all it
manage on the latest kernels :(
have a look at the nvidia forums - everyone's basically camping out for
the next release ... until then, i wouldn't bother with them on a kernel
after 2.6.8.
that said, a number of people *do* seem to have gotten them to work - is
it worth the pain and heartache though? no.