Any other ideas?
>> Just to verify: you loaded a valid soundfont into the wavetable
>> synth, and you're sure you're sending the MIDI command sequence to the
>> wavetable synth?
> I have loaded the same soundfont that I use under Windoze, and all the
> instruments show up in Rosegarden... But still no sound.
OK, I did a "cat /proc/asound/card0/wavetableD1" and discovered that
the soundfont wasn't actually loading! I hadn't installed the package
containing sfxload, so my call to it was failing, and I didn't realize
it... Bingo, now it works!
probably something ridiculously simple, since I'm new to this...
S'ok. You're right that it usually is something simple, but it
never seems that way until *after* the problem is solved, when
it's easy to call it that!
<g> Yep, it was ridiculously simple... Thanks for the help!
Hi Tim. Could you verify something? I only use my Audigy2 soundcard, and have
the onboard card disabled with the jumpers on the MOBO. Do you still have
your onboard card enabled? If so, and you're now able to play midi files, the
fact that Laura still has her onboard card enabled, has nothing to do with
her inability to play midi files.
Glad you got yours working. Nigel.