(New here, hi all!)
On 9/4/06, lanas <lanas(a)securenet.net> wrote:
I just got an accoutic bass guitar that also got a preamp and a 1/4
jack. Obviously a 1/4 cable won't do as input for the M-Audio 1010LT.
But is it only a matter of adapting the physical connector or should
the output from the guitar's preamp be routed in some box (?) before
it reaches the M-Audio card input ?
I don't know the gadget, and I'm only going on the top level docs on
their site.
It definitely has a *powered* pre-amp? That should be ok into one of
the 8 input lines direct.
If you're taking a signal from a pickup on the bass, then if one of
the mic/line-ins is free then it should be fine making a cable
jack-XLR, with one side of the XLR grounded - i.e., unbalanced (input
stages shouldn't have a problem with this).