porl sheean wrote:
> Hmm. An interesting project might be hacking SPICE
into being a
> kind of a deconvolution engine,
> to build a WAV impulse response file of a circuit. Then you could
> use that IR to "play" through the circuit using JACE or similar.
i have been dreaming of this for so long :) i thought
about it the
other way though, using a 'custom' wave shape as a function generator
in spice itself. would be very slow this way though.
I've been dreaming about a /jackifiying/ spice ;) - I spiced up my
Pfingst Montag by added a libsndfile voltage-source to ng-spice. - For
simple circuits it's not too far-off real-time performance: it takes
about 4 seconds to simulate 1 second of foxxtone at 48ksps over here.
Now it's Tueday and using a IR seems the way to go... simulating the
foxx effect alone is not trivial. Based on the posted schematics, here's
a preliminary
http://mir.dnsalias.com/_media/wiki/foxx.oregano.gz - try
the good news about doing this though is that you
don't have to
(unless you want to) emulate everything about the circuit, just the
signal path. this would simplify and speed up the calculations
I've started to document the spice patch at
http://mir.dnsalias.com/wiki/spicesound - the code's barely a few hours
old and highly experimental. NTL, it's already allows to process spice3
netlists reading and generating wav file(s).
PS. pure-data is more fun than this!