Chris Cannam wrote:
On Wednesday 07 Mar 2007 20:55, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
Completely different background and colours,
played with the logo:
I'm not sure about the meter-strips colouring in the stem of the p in the
logo. It looks like a too ungainly attempt to get something audio-related
into the logo. I agreed with your previous view that that wasn't really
necessary, and I don't think these strips look enough like actual meters
(especially spaced as they are) to carry the metaphor.
The silhouettes in the logo title bar are nice.
The background seems odd at first glance, but wears well.
I'm following the look'n'logo evolution with interest. looks a lot like
software devel. 1st version nice and clean, and we get fixes as well as
new bugs with each revision :)
This latest version surprised me at first glance ("What's that now?")
but at second view I came to like the style! I agree that the logo
"P-meters" don't work well: bot spacing & color! - maybe we should
reconsider the site's name :)
Anyway besides the matters of taste, I've started to replace the logos
in the apps-list by icons representing apps-features =apps-entry tag(s).
fi. jack, jack_transport, alsa_midi work quite well:
Other topics should have a different set of "highlighted-tags"
eg for…
symbols: 32bit, 64bit, Live/Install, CD/DVD, deb/rpm/tgz,.. (not yet
..and some general set of icons/quick-info about stability, user-rating,
intended-audience, etc. - as Thorsten pointed out, it's easy to end up
with a salad of icons..!
To avoid that we should have some 10 to 20 well defined icons.. some
exclusive to each other.
I guess we can take recent surveys into account and come up with some
good classification scheme. (tag-categories are structured in topics! -
each topic specifies the special-tags that will be icon-highlighted for
comparison eg. JACK or DISTROS).. and I'm sure there are more important
topics that 32/64 bit and appreciate suggestions from musicians,
version-junkies or any other dude who knows the subtleties of
linux-audio software on what icons we'd like to have ;-)
The back-end is prepared, we just need to agree on a set of special
tags, icons and feed apps with the missing data :)
slightly OT: we should rename some of the long category-tags (see ) - I propose the
LAC2007 workshop to discuss and "sign-off" major changes to the current
PS. ATM I'm pretty much busy and more concerned with RSS-sync and
mail-hook possibilities of this wiki. (eg. to update version numbers
from source-repo) - There no intentions to set up a Forum! But we're
thinking about a web-wrapper and buffer around the email-lists..