On Sat, 30 Apr 2016, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
On 30.04.2016 02:34, Tim E. Real wrote:
> Wow, those are very nice.
> I like that the primary eye-catching part of the 'bar' is/below/
> the text while the part/behind/ the text is more gentle, subtle,
> allowing the text to dominate.
You're welcome!
rest of the widget. It might be better to not have the bar-range extend to
within the entry area. This variant here happened because of stubbornness in
wanting both maximum length for fine-grained value indication and numerical
entry with fewest clicks!
My normal comment for this is that the movement of mouse need not track
the indicator bar in the slider. It is ok for the mouse to move two (or
more) units for each indictator pixel movement. This is common on remote
control applications using tablets where there is not much space to begin
with. However, for the application in mind, the ability to click on any
spot of the slider and have the value jump to that point would make
starting work on a new patch faster than dragging the value. (in a mixer
fader one generally always wants to move from the old value without
The design of knobs and faders for use in audio is not easy.
Len Ovens