2011-12-19 18:33 keltezéssel, Robin Gareus írta:
On 12/19/2011 05:11 PM, Csillag Kristof wrote:
> Hi,
> After fixing the jack 32bit/64bit issue, now finally I can run
> kontakt5
> 1. As standalone exe, using WINE / WineASIO
> 2. As a VST instrument, using WINE / WineASIO / SAVIHost
> 3. As a VST instrument, using Festige / FST.
> All approaches can show the GUI, and play some sound.
> Great!
Indeed. Congrats.
Are you using the free-of-charge Kontakt player or the full K5 version?
Fol experimenting, I am using the free-of-charge Kontakt Player, with
the factory library selection.
(Which is quite limited, but the technology is equivalent with all other
kontakt-based instruments.)
What I have a satisfactory setup, I intend to buy (one of the) Galaxy
which is also powered by Kontakt Player.
If you want a good piano on Linux I think you would be better off
looking at Pianoteq, or using LinuxSampler with one of the giga pianos
from the confusingly similarly named sampletekk -
(they have a 50% discount at present!)
Windows-based VSTi are never going to be the way to go IMHO - likely
to be much more unstable and frustrating!