OK, my two cents.
I prefer FLOSS because of the huge freedom of choice. If only all of this
stuff were interoperable, this would be utopia, but alas ...
A commercial package will usually (!!) be more of a finish product because the
authors have (more of!!) an incentive to make it nicer, easier to use for non-
geeks, etc. I miss the old Cakewalk Home Studio (Sonar's little sister and a
lot of bang for the buck) but my Windows-98 is dead.
So I have several packages with similar work-flow: OOMidi (I have yet to get
that one working, however), Ardour, QTractor, all have SOME of the ease of use
and difficulties of their own. So now, enter Bitwig. I want to try the beta,
see how it does. Maybe I will spring for it in the end (if I do not get it
free for the beta-testing bother--I have several Windows programs on this
basis!) if I really love it. I start out with Windows MIDI tools that work 99%
with wine but need a package to put it all together, digitize, record live
parts and mix down. Ardour3 or Qtractor might do it. Rosegarden is also a
venerable and old alternative as well.
(I also miss my rusty-trusty old dman2044 4 in-4 out sound card with its
chunkly, proper breakout box, rue the day of those mini-connectors!)
No reason not to accept really good proprietory software and not reason to
accept a FLOSS solution that does not work for you. The object is the music.
I also love geeking and tweeking, but that is another hobby/profession :-)