On 12/19/2013 10:17 PM, Roberto SuƔrez Soto wrote:
El 19/12/13 20:51, Jeremy Jongepier escribiĆ³:
I'd keep the UCG-102 and try to get it
running smoothly with JACK.
You'll probably run into the same latency issue with other USB
interfaces. To me it seems like you're facing some kind of
configuration issue as I can run my UCG102 with a system latency of
64/48000*3 = 4ms (-p64 -n3 -r48000). With jack_iodelay round-trip
latency pegs at 7.680ms. What JACK settings are you using? Could you
post the contents of your $HOME/.jackdrc file?
Yes, of course. This is what I've got now:
/usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
This is without using the UCG-102 yet (which would be using hw:1),
because I'm having a few issues with Pulseaudio, but it was the last
working configuration. I confess I don't have much idea about finetuning
Jack: I was usually happy just making it work. So, if you see something
obviously stupid in this configuration, assume ignorance as first option
Hmm, I don't use the UCG, I use a different USB card, but IIRC -n3 works
better with USB devices than -n2. My card's native rate is 48000, so
that's what I run it at. You might have better results with -r48000 and -n3.
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