On/le Mon, 9 Dec 2002 01:16:55 +0100
Frank Barknecht <fbar(a)footils.org> wrote / a écrit quelque chose
$ for i in *.mp3; do lame $i $i-mono.mp3 ; done
or for nicer filenames use basename:
$ for i in *.mp3;
filename = $(basename $i .mp3)
lame $i $filename-mono.mp3
Man, the beautiful simplicity of the command line!
I think I will put it in an executable .sh file with some gdialog tricks, give it a pretty
icon and launch it while browsing a directory with rox! Voila!
Long life Unix!
I have one regret, I never really learned to use bash. But it's never too late :)
Cheers all.
Guy CLO~