Hello Yury,
I have just played with PSIndustrializer, and have to say, thank you for
making this kind of physical modeling accessible. It is really easy to
use and get up and running with some cool sounds.
A couple of things that I think would be cool to have:
-Velocity in the menu go from 0-127 instead of 0.-1.
-An ability to render out a sweep of a parameter. I'm not sure how this
would be implemented, but it would be nice to be able to render out
individual velocity samples, for instance. Like, say I want to render
out 3 different velocity zones for a certain model, I could hit a button
to split samples between three velocities and it would render three
samples. An ability to do this, but with every parameter would be
awesome, because then I could easily plug this into my sampler and get
going with samples quickly.
These are just my initial thoughts about the software, but I can't wait
to have an instance where I need some pipe sounds and have to rely on
Thank you for your hard work,
Brandon Hale
On 12/9/21 13:44, Yury Alyaev wrote:
Hi all,
Industrializer generates synthesized percussion sounds using physical
modelling. The range of sounds possible include but is not limited to
cymbal sounds, metallic noises, bubbly sounds, and chimes. After a
sound is rendered, it can be played and then saved to a .WAV file.
I think Power Station Industrializer v0.2.7 is matured enough to be
released :-) It contained only few minor changes compared to the
latest pre-release, but is tested well.
You can download it here:
0.2.7 release contains the following main new features (compared with
- Discretization rate selection for both playback and WAV export
- Improved accuracy of setting some parameters
- Rendering and playback can be interrupted. Playback can be retrigged
at any time
- Both actuation and sampling nodes are made selectable. This facility
allows you to vary somehow the timbre of the sound and even create
stereo samples with some phasing effects. Although Industrializes
cannot directly deal with stereo samples, you can first render and
save a sample, then change the sampling node without touching the
other parameters and render another sample, after that use these
samples as left and right stereo channels.
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