On 08/14/2012 01:36 PM, Carlos sanchiavedraz
Hello all.
I just had a few minutes and tried to install Non Session Manager to
test later in Musix, but failed.
I think I have all required dependencies[1] for
non-daw-and-mixer-v1.1.0.tar.bz2, although it says that Jack is not
present when it is (jackd 0.118). But when trying to do "make" it
doesn't work[2]: No rule for building «nonlib/libnonlib.a», needed for
Somebody got that same error or just succeeded?
I think you need libjack-dev
(NSM doesn't need jackdbus, which I see as one of the advantages)
In addition to that, may I suggest something to our partners here of
the non-family. At first it's not clear where to find Non Session
Manager tar.gz nor the git site, it is not in its wiki[3] and I
discovered in other wiki that it is with the rest of the familiy in
the same tar.gz and git for Mixer and Sequencer.
Good point.
Download from git and read the README