On Sat, July 14, 2012 4:13 am, Julien Claassen wrote:
Hello Harry!
This is an interesting combination. After a recent short excursion into
dubstep, I had expected something different. Your track has much more
and atmospheric feeling to it, than I would have expected. Especially when
stumbeld across the first use of the phaser (is that by any chance the
one?). Well, when I hit that, I thought of a mixture of Tomita and
The organ does make for an OK bass in this field.
Yet I missed the pulsing (using rhythmic LFOs) as well as the short
looping. I mean these <<1s repetitions especially used for the drum
I had the thought: It's dubstep for those, that do like it melodic and
perhaps not yet encountered that genre.
I disagree that dubstep is defined by heavy agressive soundscapes. That is
simply the worst of the DnB genre trying desperately to take back the
audience they lost due to the big transition which started as a direct
reaction to the incessant and annoyingly agressive sound that was being
forced on us between 2002 - 2006. I think Harry has done an excellent job
of pulling out the best of Dubstep and I look forward to the progression
of this track.
Despite the best efforts of certain companies to redefine Dubstep to suit
their musical/politacal/propaganda agendas, real Dubstep is *not* simply
heavy metal with a dub/reggae flavour. That key understanding is what
makes the difference between good dubstep and crap. Harry is firmly in the
good camp with this latest offering.
A nice appetiser to get them
used to it, before they get into brutal drums, speaker shredding basses
occasionally very disharmonic chords.
I think some more post production could still do a lot to it, if you
like to invest the time and effort. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it,
I think you could give it more bite and more oomph, if you wanted to. I
the feeling, that there was some dub/raggae in the genes of this song as
As I said, an interetng mixture, the link between, what I had come to know
dubstep and the smoother, more atmospheric and melodic genres.
Thank you for sharing this.
Warm regards
Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!
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