On Wednesday 11 August 2004 06:16 am, tim hall wrote:
Last Wednesday 11 August 2004 06:44, John Check
was like:
I'm sure I'll get flamed, but wikis leave
a lot to be desired as
primary documentation. There are ways to address this, but they're
obvious. At least to me.
It's not primary documentation, The links are ;-)
I meant in general, not specific to Agnula.
This is due to the fact that I'm not a
primary documenter for AGNULA, I'm
just using the WIKIs as a talking shop and a place to gather together
information so I can post shorter links. Contributions are welcome ;-)
As long as you didn't ask ;) How does the stuff from the wiki find it's way
into the primary doco?
Probably by me converting it to HTML (?)
John, I'm not understanding your point here.
If this is more than a personal dislike of WIKI I really would appreciate a
bigger clue :-] [if really OT: Offlist is OK]
tim hall