Read to the end please...
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Fons Adriaensen <fons(a)> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 08:30:32PM +0100, Frank
Barknecht wrote:
Well, that's an aesthetic question of course.
Yes, It's often said that 'taste' can't be
discussed, but aeshtetics can.
There are several things mixed up in this issue.
The first is the value of adding beats to music
that wasn't meant to have them. It has been done
to anything from Gregorian chant to romantic
opera, and I've *never* heard any example of
it that did improve on the original, rather
the contrary.
According to you. It's your opinion. It's nothing more.
The second is why one would reduce the natural
rythm of any piece of music to a regular beat.
It's his reason that matters. It's his time. It's his interest. It's
not yours. Who are you to say it's not worth his time? Who are you to
say his interest has no value and shouldn't be pursued?
One reason can be that this is an aesthetic
feature in itself. There are some musical
genres that are firmly based on this idea.
Another reason - without wanting to comment
on the OP's musical abilities which I don't
know - is just incompetence - the inability
to handle a piece of music unless it has a
simple regular rythmic structure. A drummer
or percussionist worth the name can add beats
to whatever is thrown at him, regular or not.
Someone who can't do that should probably
not be adding beats to anything but find a
better way to enjoy life.
What would you think if someone were asking
'is there any program that can simplify the
harmony of a song so I can play a three-note
bass line to it' ??
Fons - you've added a lot of value to this list and to the world of
Open Source software over the years but I'm truly shocked at such
small minded thinking out of you. This is so completely inconsistent
with my picture of you that I'm sitting here with my jaw hanging open.
The poor guy asked a simple question and you've chosen to put him or
his ideas down or to put him on the spot about what he's doing, why
he's doing it and the value he thinks he'll get from it. Why does this
have to be a problem? Let him make his music. If you don't like it be
polite and either make a constructive comment or remain quiet about
While you have your opinions, and you are entitled to them, I think
you should check out work from maybe Dropin' Science and the Blue Note
resamples. It might not change your mind but it may open it up a
little bit.
With best regards,