Jul 29 2019, Christopher Arndt has written:
Just to be clear: is it always this exact message
(i.e. relating to
ProM),regardless of which LV2 plugin you're using?
It is not only ProM, I'm
not sure if I get the message for ALL installed
plugins, but a lot.
error relating to the manifest.ttl file of the plugin,
which you are
currently trying to use?
Hm, interestingly, it isn't just the plugin I use. It
seems to be part
of a system-wide search/p0reparation/setup procedure.
Do you just get an error message and things seem to work normally or
does loading the plugin actually fail?
Plugins will load and I think(!) normally
work just fine. I am not sure
whether my current CALF Vinyl issue is related to this.
Best wishes and thanks,
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I'm not that innocent... <3
(Britney Spears)