On 11/03/12 6:55 AM, Jostein Chr. Andersen wrote:
So my question is: Does it exist a real Linux
subtractive, chrash free and maintained SW synth that can match or
substitute the HW above? I've sniffed at great synths like amSynth, AMS,
but they don't sound that 8P-ish in my ears - on the other hand, it might
be me that's not good at tweaking them. Is it anybody here who knows both
the great analogue sounding Rolands and sw synths that can put me in the
right direction?
I did a lot of work with TAL NoiseMaker on my recent RPM album, and it
was really great to work with. It's very much your traditional
subtractive synth, but it has a good feature set, and a straightforward
UI, and it sounds great.
If you're familiar with programming the JX-8P, then you should feel
right at home; I don't know how close it would sound to the JX-8P in
particular, but it's definitely capable of a lot of those classic synth
sounds. It also has an effects section that includes two different
chorus algorithms, which are at least vaguely Juno-like -- both sound great.
I've been using the native VST version, from the Distrho project, but
there's an LV2 port in progress as well.