Hello Ken and *,
Am 2007-04-27 17:32:30, schrieb Ken Restivo:
I have just gotten the news that I've got another
live show to play on
May 19th.
If things go well, instead of borrowing the guitar player's Korg
Triton (as I had to do for the last show), I will be playing my new
Linux laptop.
I want to plant a huge Tux sticker right in the center of the laptop
cover. It's a barebones so it has no markings of its own; I get to put
on my own. I've seen a logo of Tux wearing headphones too, which I'd
like to find.
You mean the attached one? :-) :-)
Where might I purchase stickers of this type, suitable
for laptop
application? I want to stand up and be proud, and "represent", as
the young folks say these days.
I was going to the printing servive here in Strasbourg and produced
Stickers o 25x25mm with Lense-Effect on cards of 4x6 pieces.
The cost went around 0.80 Euro per sticker by a production of 100
cards of each 12 stickers... (The biggest part was the mastering)
Same for the "Debian inside" an,d "Tux Thinkpad".
Also I was thinkig to produce the "LAD" sticker too.
Currenly I have all sold and can not start a new production because
lake of money... I have no reserve of 1000 Euro or more but I was
planing to start a new production this year if my bank play with...
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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