On 06/10/2013 22:29, Ken Restivo wrote:
On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 10:55:15AM +0000, Fons
Adriaensen wrote:
On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 01:59:15AM -0700, Ken
Restivo wrote:
You don't need to reproduce the waveform, but the spectrum,
which is roughly:
Freq Amp
1 1.000
2 0.191
3 0.065
4 0.041
5 0.019
6 0.012
Cool, thanks.
How would one do that with LADSPA plugins? 6 sine wave oscillators into a mixer, one for
each harmonic?
You might look into using Pure Data: you can both have:
- (virtually) any number of oscillators with the advantage that each
partial's strength (and frequency) can be independently and dynamically
- the [tabosc4~] object which is a wavetable oscillator. The [sinesum(
message sent to a table (a.k.a. array) with partial strengths will do
the sum for additive synthesis. In this case of course it woun't be
possible to dynamically change the partials' strength (although I think
people have used tricks to switch between different tables seamlessly).
Not to mention the many built-in features to connect to the external
world for control such as MIDI, OSC, TCP/IP, arduino, to mention a few..
Hope this helps.