Arnold Krille hat gesagt: // Arnold Krille wrote:
Most (all?) internal soundcards don't pick up the
acoustic sound of
the fans but the electric noise of fan, disks (cd/dvd included),
mouse, key, everything that send digital data through a poor
shielded or unshielded cable inside the computer. That is what you
hear if the soundcard doesn't provide enough shielding itself. And
sometimes (read on some soundcards) you can even hear the power
fluctuating when fans/processors/disks need more/less power.
That is the added effect why I think external soundcards (with
external power?) are better then internal ones.
I've *never* had this problem with my M-Audio Audiophile, and I have
loud good speakers and headphones so I'm sure I would have heard it.
(Semi-pro) PCI-soundcards generally are free from intercepting
electrical noise. Otherwise you'd have to close down most sound
studios and our radio station: there are PCI cards all over, but not a
single USB card in sight.
Of course one thing that's strictly forbidden would be to run a cable
from the CD/DVD drive to the soundcard as this acts as an antenna to
pick up noise. But only "consumer cards" even have a connector for
this junk, most internal semi-pro soundcards starting at around 70
Euro like the Terratec Phase22, M-Audio Audiophile, ESI etc. don't
and they are shielded well enough to not pick up noise.
Onboard cards are a different story: For laptops I've yet to find a
machine that wouldn't need an external USB/FW-box.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__