On/le Tue, 07 Jan 2003 22:19:23 +0100
Laurent Georget <lgeorget3(a)club-internet.fr> wrote / a écrit quelque
chose comme:
replacing nrecord with arecord+ameter in my script
break the pipe
and hang up the sound device. First I can't close the ameter
window (with icewm as a wm) and I must do a ctrl+C in the aterm
invoking ameter (arecord -D ameter | lame -r -m m something.mp3).
I can't launch it a second time, or try a "aplay something.wav",
it complains that the snd_pcm_open failed.
Even if I restart alsasound, no way... I have to reboot to make
the sound work as usual!
:(( !
Could you send me the script you are using ,
I'll try to reproduce this problem .
As I didn't remember the exact scrips I deleted, I wrote a new one. And it seemed to
work without soundcard-locking. I surely have done something weird, but don't know...
Anyway the pipe get broken by something in the script and replaced by a huge .wav file,
which is what I wanted to avoid, using a pipe.
Here is the script:
# automaticly save the last record in case of
mv -f ~/Last_record.mp3 ~/Before_last_record.mp3
# launch ecasound on a pipe (tmp.raw)
ecasound -i ~/Progs/Enregistrement/tmp.raw -o ~/Last_record.mp3 &
# then launch a terminal (should be removed, but needed to stop the recording with a
# arecord write to the pipe (tmp.wav)
rxvt -geometry -0-0 -e arecord -f cd -D ameter ~/Progs/Enregistrement/tmp.wav
# tmp.raw is a pipe pointing to tmp.raw. Should be manually created before everything.
I still can't close the ameter window, and as I don't know a better way to stop
arecord, I do a ctrl+c in the terminal where it runs. Then, on the screen, the following
line is repeted a lot of time:
arecord: pcm_meter.c:546: snd_pcm_meter_hw_free: Assertion `err == 0' failed.
with this line at the end:
Erreur de segmentation
("segfault" in english I believe). It doesn't clutter the screen this way
when I just do a "arecord -f cd something.wav".
On my machine, pcm_meter.c is located here:
and the line # 546 shows:
assert(err == 0);
Anyway it's working :)
And for the strange "config window disappearing" commentary... My fault, I
confused myself with a vu-meter plugin for xmms I was trying at about the same days. What?
I was drunk during my holidays testings? Maybe 8P
Thanks !
No. Thanks to _you_
ou plutôt, merci à vous.
Guy CLO~