On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 02:17:53PM +0100, Peder Hedlund wrote:
Quoting lanas <lanas(a)securenet.net>et>:
On Mon, 3 Jan 2011 19:46:11 -0500,
Paul Davis <paul(a)linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote :
> I'm using a
> rather 'old' Ardour version eg. 2.4.1. ?
i believe that the question was answered, but
here's one for you: what
is the justification for continuing to use such an ancient version of
Ardour? there are probably 300-400 bugs fixed since then, some of them
very serious ones.
I'm not too keen about updating Fedora 8. Everything works OK. When I
want to record things it works. I have seen too numerous problems when
doing other updates.
I have to take sides with lanas on this.
If you have an old system that has been working well, you haven't
experienced any show stopping bugs and you don't have any security
issues you have to deal with; why go through the hassle of upgrading?
Sure you'll get lots of new features and (hopefully) fewer bugs if you
upgrade but if what you have works well and is all you need there's
little gain.
And a tip once you upgrade lanas: buy a new harddrive and do a fresh install.
You can even keep the old one and set up the bootloader to dual-boot
your old system if you feel like you need to experiment with the new
system first.
I absolutely hate upgrading and I do it as infrequently as possible. I am a Debian user
through and through :-)
I don't just value stability and reliability, I worship it. I demand it. I will not
endanger it except under extreme circumstances or duress (usually once every few years,
some series of circumstances conspires to force me to upgrade).
When I get up on stage, I want to know that what worked yesterday, or last week, or last
month, or last year, will work EXACTLY the same way now as it did then. I do not want to
have to worry if some "rolling release" incompatibility broke something I'm
going to need in the middle of a song while people are looking at me. So distros that
update often or do rolling releases are not for me.
Yes, I know about regression testing, but I don't want to have to waste time on
regression testing, chasing that treadmill all the time. I do it once every few years as
necessary, and that's plenty good for me thanks.
This is one of the things I love most about Linux. In the commercial world, there was
always some corporation or marketing scam forcing me to upgrade something and introduce
instability. I hated that. Now, I can dig my heels in and stick with what works once I get
it working.
I understand there are people who actually enjoy chasing the latest version of stuff, or
breaking their system so as to have fun fixing it, but I am decidedly not one of those
A friend once described me as "technologically Amish". It fits.