i am
considering to buy a Ice-16, maybe an Ice-16D. The reason i want
this is that you can use it as multi track recorder or as soundcard. But
i can only use it as soundcard if its working with linux, but i cannot
find anything with google.
I have not seen that product before. It may be newer than when I was
looking (though with firewire...).
I look at this for some years (maybe 4?) now, but now its getting
payable for me, so i really start to consider. Dont know how old it is.
So the
question: Has anyone ever tried to use the ice-16 with linux? did
it worked? or is there no way?
I can't say for sure with this unit itself, but I do know the Qu16/24/32
series products do work with linux. Not personal experience, but I have
read of people using them with Linux. They need no drivers to work with
OSx which is always a good sign (from
http://www.allen-heath.com/ahproducts/ice-16d/#tab5) "ICE-16D is Core
Audio compliant so there are no drivers required for Mac computers."
One should consider windows a non-compliant OS I guess...
Sounds like it is worth to give it a try.