On Mon, 2011-06-06 at 07:00 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
you do not need to run hdspconf or hdspmixer to
configure your device.
they are simply the most convenient tool if you like GUI interfaces
for such things. amixer(1) is entirely capable of configuring all the
device controls that ALSA knows about.
I'll test this, thank you.
i find these discussions funny. i used to read that the
reason to use
Ubuntu or Debian was that stuff just worked, especially "new stuff".
Yes for a hand full of people who use Ubuntu and describe to forums and
mailing lists it works OOTB. They also don't need a kernel-rt for their
work in their professional studios, just a PREEMPT does the job. From
01.10.2010 to 31.03.2011 I worked for child care, no audio engineers, no
computer experts, well, averaged people seldom do have that good luck,
most people came from Windows and stay at Windows, although they liked
what I showed by Edubuntu.
i've been using a different distribution that has a long history,
regularly gets criticized as not appropriate for the
desktop, and i
just don't have the kinds of issues you're describing.
I don't had issues with old Debian and I don't have issues with Suse
11.2, without Suse's Sax, my monitor won't be ok for Debian ;).
i would also strongly advise against changing a thread that started as
a request about to get a SPECIFIC card configured into
a thread about
"how difficult it is to do <FOO> on linux". it will strongly reduce
the chance that anybody who can help will help, and simply fills our
mailboxes with more useless chatter.
Yes, you're right. I need to calm down ;). perhaps I should switch back
to Suse or use Fedora or some RPM based distro.