I'll be home in a few days, so no hassle, but i've kept a note of all the
tips and tricks. It may be a good idea to do a bootable usb stick, and take
that instead. Seems to be a solution for not only updates, but emergency
boot as well.
Thanks for all the info and advice fellas.
On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 7:56 PM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield <gabriel(a)teuton.org
alex stone wrote:
My problem is i have no net access for the
laptop, so i'm reinstalling
everything with a constant transfer process with an install disk, and a
stick. (And i should say here i've installed
Debian Lenny ppc, which
A USB Ethernet adapter is, what... US$30? In the past, I've been known to
HOURS trying to invent a Rube Goldberg scheme
(serial-to-morse-code-to-serial-to-ethernet chain) to avoid spending $30.
usually regret it (and my family *always* regrets it).
Just a suggestion... now on to what you asked....
Is it possible to simply download (Save as...,
for instance) from an up
date cvs or svn build, to an isolated download
file, then transfer the
to my usb stick, without using CVS or SVN to do
YMMV on installing CVS, SVN, or Git on a USB stick... but it seems
plausible to
do. I often have PuTTy installed on a USB stick so that I can SSH from any
Windows computer without having to install software.
1. Subversion
SVN has an export feature that you could use to download the latest copy.
C:\> E:\bin\svn export
http://path-to-repo/project/trunk E:\data\project
To grab a specific revision, I think the syntax is:
C:\> E:\bin\svn export -r 666
Alternatively, you could have a working copy on the stick:
C:\> E:
E:\> cd data\project
E:\> E:\bin\svn up
I've never tried to install Subversion on a USB drive. Last time I
the Windows version of Subversion,
Collab.net appears to be doing stuff
asking for registration information, and offering a limited set of packages
install methods.
2. Git
Git has a great deal of support for offline usage. There's also a git-svn
connect that provides a bidirectional connection to a Subversion
Also, if the server supports it, you can export any revision to a tarball
'git archive --remote'. There's also a command called 'git bundle'
that is
designed for exactly this sort of incremental and off-line updates.
However, getting Git installed on Windows is a chore... especially if
trying to install it to a USB stick.
Using Git with Mingw on Windows, watch out for repositories that (when
compressed) approach 2GB. (Not typical for a coding project, though.)
3. CVS
Messs hatessses CcccceeeVeeeeSssssss.
4. PuTTy
If you have shell access to some other computer (a university account, a
friend's server, whatever)... you could much more easily set this stuff up.
When you want to update things and download them, you can do it via SSH
PuTTY and PSFTP -- which I have installed on a USB drive very successfully.
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