On Jun 22, 2016 8:38 PM, "Glen MacArthur" <info(a)bandshed.net> wrote:
One more thing... regarding Barry's Satan Maximizer
It works wonders on anything percussive (including Pianos). If you don't
mind indulging me try this and see what you think...
Take one of your piano tracks in Ardour and add the Barry's Satan
Maximizer after Pianoteq but pre-fader, BSM only has 2 controls so set the
the top one "Decay time (samples)" to 24 and then set the "Knee point
(db)" to approximately -3. See what you think ...
I just installed the SWH plugins (LV2 versions) and tried the Barry's Satan
Maximizer with this same track, the Lost Isle piano piece, pre-fader and
with your suggested initial settings. I had to lower the fader volume so
the master bus wouldn't reach maximum, but I loved the punch it added to
the piano. I think I might replace the recording I now have at
with a new version (after a few more rehearsals) that includes the BSM.
Thank you so much, Glen. I feel like you have just shared one of your
secrets, and that was very kind of you to do. :-) I think I'm going to make
some good use of this plugin.