On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 07:49 -0500, Brian Dunn wrote:
I'm trying to un-ipod some songs.
Does anyone know why the following command gives me an mp3 with a horid
for i in *.m4a; do
faad -o - "$i" | lame -m s - -o "${i%m4a}mp3"
using the faad plugin in XMMS gives me crystal clear sound on these
songs, but stinking not so for this here command.
Is there an easy way to get the songs off the iPod under Linux? I had
ripped a ton of CDs and put them on my GF's iPod then the disk with
iTunes on it failed. I REALLY don't want to rip them all again - can I
use this method to turn the .m4as on the iPod into MP3s?
(Man I can't believe I wrote that in Apple-Caps)