On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 07:03:42PM +0100, Julien Claassen wrote:
As far as I remember, there wasn't much in the way of tag
importing/exporting with the sndfile utils.
Massy: I once started writing a script, but in the end there was
other work. I should still have the file. As far as I remember, I
also put in some comments and tried to organise it strictly. If
you're interested, I can dig and upload it to my server?
Thanks to those who
responded. Sure, Julien, that would be nice and could be a
good starting point.
My main problem is not so much the conversion, as I said, but the tags.
I used not to care about them, but it seems audio players on mobile
devices rely more and more heavily on them these days, making it very
painful to play untagged albums, hence my renewed interest in a
full-blown script.