On 12/13/2012 11:56 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
On 12/12/2012 11:28 AM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
On 12/11/2012 07:05 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
On 12/11/2012 06:14 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
On 12/11/2012 01:57 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
> Hi,
> It might be an good idea to make MIDNAM files from the Sonatina SFZ
> library. MIDNAM instrument files can be used in Ardour 3.
> I found the scripts of the Openoctave team, but I've no knowledge
> about
> orchestras, the amount of violins needed etc.
> Here are the scripts:
> I know more or less how they work
> \r
First attempt. The path in the lscp file need to be adjust to your
See the README
What is a good way to do for the path, e.g. to make it usable for
'everybody'? Assume they place the sonatina folder in ~/ ?
So /home/derick/linuxaudio/linuxaudiodata/sonatina/Sonatina/...
Or is there is smarter 'linux-way'?
The oomidi team is using
@@OOM_SOUNDS@@ links to /usr/share/sounds or ~/.sounds somehow. Both
places are not ideal imho.
Btw here are some templates of the oomidi team for LinuxSampler
@Paul I think this sonatina.midnam file is ready to be added to the
midnam files in Ardour 3. All though it might be good if people test it.
Afaik, what needs to be edited is the lscp file. It should work now, but
users might want to have 4 different channels for the 1st-violin instead
of one, to match 4 1st-violin players in an orchestra etc. I think it's
up to the community to make this template better.
See also the README
People who want to use the midnam file for sonatina likely also needs
the lscp file for LinuxSampler. It's up to the Ardour devs how they want
to serve the Ardour users here.
At the end it might be nice to have an
Ardour-sonatina-orchestral-template with busses for convolution reverb etc.
At this point I've no interest to do that work. The files in the git
repo serve as example and sharing of knowledge.
I realized that such a full orchestra setup could be made automatically
using the createDAW script.
I've added an example for the violas
All should be there to make your own desired orchestral lscp file. If
you make a full orchestral template, it would be nice if you could share
it. If you've questions about how this works, don't hesitate (after you
did some reading and experimenting yourself first...) to contact me. I
don't guarantee that I'll be subscribed to this list, so include my
personal email address too.