On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 08:11:08AM -0700, Ken wrote:
I've played alot with M$ music apps, and the
best in my opinion were
Reaktor and Kontakt2 sampler. Reaktor is what I wish Csound could
become. The pre-built synths people have made were/are amazing.
Have you tried Puredata? It has many similar concepts to Reaktor; dataflow
patching, you can build your own GUI instruments, etc. This is based on a
very cursory play with Reaktor at a friend's place, so I could be wrong,
but I think they're similar.
They are a little bit similar, but not the same. pd is more like Max
than Reaktor.
I like them both, and they are complementary.
I use Kontakt as well, and I've found nothing as good as Kontakt in
brad fuller