Atte André Jensen hat gesagt: // Atte André Jensen wrote:
The problem is in monomode. If one note is held and
another played,
released, played, releaset, etc. there should always be sound as long as
at least one note is depressed.
It may be desirable in some cases, but why should it always be this
way? What kind of priority is right: low note priority, low note
priority with re-triggered envelopes, high note priority, high note
priority with re-triggered envelopes, last note priority, last note
with envelopes (taken from
http://tinyurl.com/93v8n)? SuperCollider
and Pd don't enforce any of these on the user, which IMO is The Right
Thing. I don't know how the other synths work.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
_ __latest track: "plak" @