On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 08:30 -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:
Great record, but of course most everything they did
Saw Skunk Baxter mentioned in the San Jose Merc 'People' section (page
2 - front section) this morning. Apparently his day job these days is
as a 'Intelligence Technology Consultant', but he plays nights in a 5
man band called C.J.T.F. (Combined Joint Task Force) that also
employees 2 ambassadors (U.S.->Russia & Hungary->U.S.) as well as an
Assistant Secretary of State and a U.S. analyst on North Korea. The
newspaper says the were 'declared great' by Tommy Ramone.
I guess if you're in the Washington D.C. area (Jesse?) you should try
to catch these guys.
So you mean he's a spook now? Crazy!